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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Immigration Reform back in the News

Arizona Immigration Law SB 1070 Text 2010 and Reform Update. The Arizona Immigration reform is of a hot topic – especially to immigrants and their families. The Obama administration filed its long-anticipated legal challenge to the controversial new Arizona immigration law on Tuesday.
According to one new study, illegal immigration is costing the United States a staggering $113 billion a year. This is $1,117 per year for each household that is “headed” by a US-born national. also indicate that adding amnesty for current illegal would further burden the economy, as social security benefits and other social programs would cost more than the tax revenue that these individuals would generate.

President Obama isn't thinking of the good of the country, only his own political goals for 20012. What is Obama thinking when offering amnesty for current illegal? one can only guess what is going through his mind. What of all the immigrants and their families that have come here legally and the ones that are waiting to come her and what they have to go through!! Let me enlighten you of the steps.
To bring my wife here many years ago, first I had to fill out a ton of paper work. Next she had to go through a F.B.I. check and then off to the doctors to make sure that she didn't have anything. After all this was done she had to wait six months to come to her husband. What President Obama is planning is wrong and isn't fair to the people that come here legal.

Other non-benefits of having all these illegal here is this that US-born nationals can't get work to pay their rent, put food on the table, pay their car payments or their mortgages. Let me tell you a sad story that i seen today at Wal-Mart. This young man had just been laid off work holding a sign that read: Laid off work have a wife and two children, we have been evicted and have no money, I will do anything. Wal-Mart here has almost all Hispanic worker are they all legal? You can only guess!! The illegal Hispanic workers have taken over the restraints, the Wal-Mart’s, construction that is millions of jobs that are now in the hands of illegal Hispanic workers, why we that were born here wonder if we can pay our rent next month.

We better wakeup people before our home the United States Of America no longer belongs to us

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